Browse this list of free printable Winter games and activities for those days when you can’t get outside!
It’s time to get prepared by having some free printable Winter activities on hand — and I’ve got your back!
I’m currently sitting on our couch looking out the window at the GORGEOUS snow falling. The flakes are those big, soft ones that float down and make everything look like a winter wonderland.
And it’s so quiet and peaceful …… right now, that is.
Because I know this is the calm before the storm (literally!) — the coming weeks will be full of more indoor time than outdoor time for so many of us.
30 FREE Printable Winter Games & Activities for Kids
Today’s round-up of fabulous & FREE printable Winter activities and games is not only a resource for the next few months but also one of those posts that came about as the result of desperate times.
Indoor time isn’t a bad thing — cozying up with a few good winter books for kids, playing games, enjoying some family time together — all good stuff!
But there’s one thing that does make me a little desperate — it’s the noise 🙁
I don’t know when it happened but somewhere over the past decade, I became noise-sensitive (is that a thing? If not, I’m making it a thing!)
You know what I mean — the voices and music that seem to bounce off the walls, the dog whining to go out and come in every 10 minutes, the tv or those toys that have the beep-boop-boom sounds … it’s all just a little too much for me to handle at times.
So it seems that I have two choices — lock myself in the closet (tried that but someone always finds me 😉
OR come up with a slew of ideas that inspire quiet play & learning for when things get a little out of hand.
Our last set of winter-themed printables (see these 70 FREE Winter Printables for Kids) focused on learning & indoor craft ideas. Today we’ve got an awesome group of games & get-up-and-move indoor activities!
And yes, this nature girl will be the first to tell you that getting outside when you can is probably the best way to tame cabin fever (try these outdoor nature activities) but having a set of indoor games & activities like these is a close second.
Free Printable Winter Games & Puzzles
Fun ideas the whole family can play together! Or great ways to keep the kids occupied & entertained!
Holiday & Winter Charades/Pictionary | Edventures with Kids
Winter I-Spy | The Pleasantest Thing
Winter Mad-lib puzzles | Classroom Jr.
Draw a Snowman on your Head! | Housing a Forest
Gingerbread Man Scavenger Hunt | Edventures with Kids
Snow Day BINGO | All Free Kids Crafts
Winter Scattegories | The Crafting Chicks
Winter Mazes & More | All Kids Network
Winter Word Search | Real Life at Home
Create an Indoor Blizzard with these Snowflake Patterns | First Palette

Free Printable Winter Coloring Pages
Add in a new box of crayons or a beautiful set of Colored Pencils (affiliate links) and kids will color forever 😉
Preschool Arctic Animal coloring & writing pages | Preschool Mom
Winter Color by Numbers | Itsy Bitsy Fun
Winter Scenes – 5 pages | Dover Publications
Free Printable Winter Activities for Preschool & Elementary Kids
These fun printable activities are great for use at home, in the classroom or with after-school groups too!
See how many items you can find on this Winter Scavenger Hunt! | Edventures with Kids
And see the January & February hunts on our 50 FREE Scavenger Hunts list | Edventures with Kids
Learn about holidays around the World with this printable Christmas Map Challenge | Edventures with Kids
Keep it Moving exercise game | Hip Homeschool Mom
Send kids on this Indoor Scavenger Hunt *that doubles as a fun math activity* | Edventures with Kids
Printable Animal Cross Stitch cards (perfect for bored tweens!) | Mr. Printables
Inspire more quiet playtime with these 40 Pretend Play Printables! | Edventures with Kids
Build a fort & start a club with these printable Kids’ Club signs! | Edventures with Kids
Easy Indoor Scavenger Hunt | The Scrap Shoppe Blog
Watch animals out the window & record their behavior with this Animal Observation Activity | Edventures with Kids
Get the Kids Moving paper dice activity | I Heart Naptime — no longer available 🙁
Escape the Volcano game | Toddler Approved
Use the free printable Book to Movie guide to inspire some winter reading & a family movie night together! Check out our list of 100 Years of Movies for Kids celebrating the best Disney and Warner Bros. films for kids in our Amazon storefront!
Let’s Pretend to … | The Resourceful Mama
Indoor Funny Animal Acts Charades | Moms & Munchkins
Indoor Clue Hunt | Wildflower Bouquets
More Free Printable Activities
50 Free printable Forest Crafts & Activities