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Christmas Around the World: Map Activity {w/free printable!}

Enjoy learning about Christmas Around the World with this free printable Geography activity!

I love to find fun ways to integrate maps & geography activities for the kids throughout the year — and during the holidays, this is so easy to do by tying it to a Christmas Around the World activity.

I worry that without exposure to actual maps & globes, the next geneneration isn’t going to be very geography-literate given the ease of websites like Google Maps and all the conveniences of having a GPS in their cars and phones. 

Goodness knows if they ever get lost in the woods, they probably won’t have very good wifi and may need to find their way home 😉


Christmas Around the World free printables Map and Geography activity

Christmas Around the World: Free Printable Geography & Map Activity

I feel the same way about the use of calculators taking the place of mental math — technology is a great thing but being able to read a map or subtract in your head are valuable life skills ; )

So our next holiday-themed activity this year is a Christmas Geography Challenge!

Yes, it’s really for the kids but adults will enjoy this one too.  Just print off the FREE worksheet, grab a map or globe & explore a little of the world this week!

This challenge and free printable is also included in our 12 Days of Christmas Activities too.


Christmas Map Challenge

The goal of this holiday activity (well, it’s really more of a game 😉  is to offer kids a fun way to practice some of ther map-reading skills

You can make it as easy or difficult as you would like depending on the age of your child. 

For example, when we ask ‘How far do you live from the North Pole?‘, allow younger kids to measure using their hand or fingers while older kids can use your map’s key or even Google Maps to find the actual distance.

If you don’t have a map or globe, check out a few of our favorites for kids at these affiliate links:

Illustrated Map of the World for Kids (Children’s World Map)

The World Map Wall decals for Children

Explore the World Placemat

Spinning World Globe with Stand

When you pull out a map or globe, be sure to introduce (or review) items like lines of latitude & longitude, the map’s key, the equator and prime meridan — it’s always good to go over concepts that are found on all maps and globes.


christmas around the world free printable geography activity for kids


Christmas Around the World Geography Game

You can use either a flat map or a globe for most of the challenges. 

A few of the questions encourage your kids to get online & print a map or use a website that highlights Christmas-themed geography activities which combines nicely with tech use in the classroom.

Here are the Christmas Around the World challenges that are included in the game along with a few websites that will help you to find some of the answers:

• Locate the North Pole – how far away do you live?

• Find the cities of your out-of-town relatives on the map.  

• Are you traveling for the holidays?  If so, find where you will spend Christmas on the map. (If you’re not traveling, locate your city on the map)

• Print a map of your neighborhood and highlight a route to view Christmas lights.

• Choose some of your favorite holiday books and find their settings/locations on your map or globe.

• Explore the route Mary & Joseph took on their trip to Bethlehem.

• Locate the countries where the following Christmas traditions began:

Nutcrackers – Germany
Poinsettia – Mexico
Christmas Cards – England
Yule Log – Norway

Visit the NORAD website and follow Santa’s route for his Christmas Eve deliveries – what country does he begin in and how many hours does it take to get to your country?



This can also be used in the classroom as a fun geography activity during December too. Pair it with some of these books about Holidays Around the World as a great unit study in geography & culture too!

Christmas Around the World shares popular traditions from countries across the globe!

Holidays Around the World: Celebrate Christmas is a fun read for younger kids to learn about the various carols, traditions and what the holiday looks like in different countries.


 christmas geography activity for kids

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More Christmas Around the World Activities

Be sure to see our other fun holiday activities too!

Christmas Traditions around the World & FREE Santa’s Name game printable

Christmas Around the World: Italy