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Christmas Coupons for Kids {free printables!}

Grab this free set of printable Christmas Coupons for kids and use them to interject a little fun in the midst of the holiday season!

The holidays are so much fun, but they can also be SO busy. 

And I know there are things my kids love to do at this time of the year (and also activities they’d rather skip in lou of more holiday fun)!

For kids, something as simple as playing a holiday game together or building a snowman is what makes it a ‘jolly time of year’ for them. 

In order to give my daughter more of a voice during the busy weeks ahead, I created a set of Holiday Coupons that she can use for her favorite activities.


Free printable Christmas coupons

Christmas Coupons for Kids (free printables!)

While there are many holiday activities that we do together this month, they are usually planned for ahead of time. 

It’s those quick & simple things that can get forgotten — and yet, those are the ones that seem to make the biggest impression when kids are young.

I’ve learned that the busyness of the season will quickly distract me from taking time to connect with my kids. 

I always think “I should be baking those cookies” or “Gifts need wrapping” — but really I’m a kid at heart (aren’t we all??) and love making time to enjoy these seasonal activities together.

Holiday Coupons are for items that we may not ‘schedule’ — for example, having a pj day or watching a holiday special — things that I know my kids will enjoy and would love to do together.

These are spur-of-the-moment activities that really don’t need to be planned — you can give kids these coupons and let THEM choose which they’d  like to use since there’s not much planning or prep involved.


holiday coupons for kids

Christmas Activity Coupon Ideas:

  • Spend the day in your pj’s
  • Spend the afternoon outside in the snow
  • Make some hot cocoa in the middle of the day
  • Check out the holiday lights (walk or ride, your choice)
  • Help Mom or Dad wrap holiday gifts for someone
  • Dance to Christmas music in the living room
  • Help to open any Christmas cards that come in the mail this week
  • Wear your Santa hat while we run errands today!
  • Make some paper snowflakes
  • Homework’s much more fun with a candy cane in a cup of cocoa!
  • Help to put the stamps on and mail the Christmas cards

If you’ve EVER mailed Christmas Cards with you kids — you’ll know they LOVE this activity! 

And it will take FOREVER to get all those envelopes in the mailbox because they put them in one-by-one — but let them, that’s what the holidays are about — those small, enjoyable moments 🙂


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To make life easy for you (because I KNOW it’s busy right now 😉 here’s a free printable set of coupons for the activities shown above in case you’d like a few quickies to get you started!

Ahhhh …. simple fun! 

Don’t you just love it!

Remember that many times, it’s the little things that kids remember about the holidays. 

So, relax and let your child take the lead in some of the fun this year.


Christmas activities for kids - coupons and charades game


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25+ Free Printable Christmas Games & Activities

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