I know the rest of the world thinks that Spring begins on March 20th with the Spring Equinox but for us, Spring activities begin the day we turn back the clocks and gain that extra hour of daylight.
Ahh… dinner during daylight hours
Heading to the park after dinner
The sounds of birds in the morning
I love Spring!
We can think of 100 more fun things you can do with the kids now that the days are getting longer!
Outdoor Spring Activities for Kids
This week, the Discover & Explore linky is sharing all things Spring!
So I thought I would highlight some of our favorite nature activities and share fun ways to enjoy the beautiful weather. We’ve also included affiliate links for items we love and that make Spring that much more fun!
Great Ways to Enjoy the Outdoors
First, we make a concerted effort to get outdoors more often and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Try these 8 Indoor Things to do Outside for ideas on how everyday activities can be enjoyed in your backyard.
Then we pull out our Outdoor Activity Rock Jar – it’s a fun way to choose some ‘surprise’ activities that can be done outside.
We love to see the changes in nature so a free printable Spring Scavenger Hunt is always a fun way to spend an afternoon.
Storytime is also more fun in our Hammock or on a blanket outside which is where you’ll find us after school on most days — so grab some wonderful Spring Books and snacks for an outdoor reading session.
And there’s some great hands-on science to discover in the Spring —
Explore the wind & kite flying
Learn about the lifecycle of butterflies
Enjoy an evening under the stars
On weekends, you’ll find us hiking, gardening and exploring some cool places around town!
Kids love to dig in the dirt? Try these 30 Family-friendly Gardening Activities to help you plan, grow and create your own garden.
If you enjoy hiking, here are 7 Tips for Hiking with Kids along with these great suggestions for Fun Nature Hikes with Kids.
We highly recommend bringing along a nature book or field guide along with a Backyard Safari Field Compass and set of Binoculars
for the ultimate outdoor adventure!
Even a visit to the local park can be an adventure with these 18 Ways to Enjoy a Day at the Park!
And if you have a nice, long weekend, learn why we love to explore Junior Ranger programs and head to one of the many National and State parks!
How Do You Enjoy Spring?
Share your Spring Activities on the linky this week and show us how you enjoy & celebrate the season!
Visit our Co-hosts for more fun activities too!
Fantastic Fun & Learning ** Buddy & Buddy
Please read the following guidelines for sharing:
- Share family-friendly posts related to the weekly topic — kids activities, crafts, recipes, nature outings, printables, etc.
- By linking up, you are giving me permission to share your post including one photo in our weekly feature post and on social media channels.
- Visit 2-3 other posts that have linked up, find some new ideas & meet new friends!
- If you’d like, grab a button for your post — we love to share and want to find lots of great activities to highlight for you!
- Each of the host blogs will feature some of the outstanding posts the week following the linky!