These everyday math activities are the perfect way to introduce hands-on math ideas to kids! Do you know today is? March 14th… 3/14… 3.14 Ring a bell at all? Ok, how about if you flash back to high school math class? Yes, that’s it — Today is Pi Day! And Pi Day is a great …
Books & Reading
Kids will love learning about penguins with these activities, books and lesson plan ideas — you’ll find TONS of information for a unit study or penguin project! Who loves penguins?! Those adorable and quirky birds are intriguing to so many of us. Our local zoo just opened it’s new pengin exhibit so we are thrilled …
My daughter is a princess-loving girl but she’s also a kid with a great sense of humor.
She loves to read books with puns, clever twists and funny dialogue. So fractured fairy tales have been very popular on our library lists!
A fractured fairy tale is a clever take on one of the tradition stories we all know and love. In the clever retelling, the author will add humor, modern language, change the traits of some of the characters or add different events.
Ok, so here’s the issue in our house — we’ve got one child who is a math whiz and another who wouldn’t mind if math was wiped off the face of the earth. The one thing they both have in common is neither enjoys any math homework:
“It’s boring, Mom!”
“Yes, I know. Worksheets aren’t always the best way to enjoy math.” But you still need to do your homework.
This is how it goes for so many things in life, right. Practice isn’t always as much fun as ‘the real thing’!
Pair each of your favorite Christmas Traditions with a special book and enjoy these special stories during the holiday season! The holiday season is the perfect for for traditions such as Christmas countdowns and special family activities. Every year, my kids and I have a special book tradition — we have a secret stash of …
It’s always fun to pull out some simple craft activities & family ideas during the holidays! Nothing complicated — just something the kids enjoy creating and that usually involves something sparkly 🙂 And kids adore making ornaments to hang on the tree! I think we have more handmade ornaments on our tree that we do …
Got bookworms? Try giving these gift ideas that aren’t books! We have a LOT of books in our house as you might suspect from our numerous kids’ book lists! One of the things I did well as a parent was to raise readers — I always found a way to tie books with a favorite …
I don’t know when it started but I’ve always been fascinated with maps, globes and learning about places around the world.
I love to see how people across the globe eat, live and spend their day. These everyday activities are a fun way to expose kids to cultures and traditions outside of their own.
But alas, globe-trotting just doesn’t come that easy — even for a traveling family like ours. It’s expensive and takes quite a bit of time and planning. So for years, I’ve introduced my kids to different countries and cultures thorough books, videos and some fun hands-on activities we can do close to home.
With the first official day of summer coming this week, I sat down to review our summer reading list. Since I know first hand that it can be somewhat challenging to get those older kids reading during the summer months (or reading something OUTSIDE of their normal ‘book type’), I always like to have some …
Many thanks to Hallmark for sponsoring this post and helping to create communities where all children have the chance to grow up as healthy, productive & caring persons. All book choices and thoughts are mine alone. Today’s book list was inspired by a young lady who fights for quality education for all children around …