Use these 100 Items to Use to Count to 100 with estimation jar ideas and 100th day of school activities! Teaching kids math concepts and how to count to 100 is a big milestone & one that parents and teachers work on for a few years. It’s a long journey fraught with numbers like “fifteen-ten” …
Encourage Creativity
Fun ideas for easy Valentine Box Ideas that are the perfect to use as easy card holders for class parties! Sometimes I think it’s the minor holidays that might put me under as a Mom. Take February for example — why is it that EVERY set of boxed valentines includes 24 cards when my kids …
Check out these frugal & FREE Summer activities, programs & workshops for kids where you’ll find lots of ways to entertain your kids! Summer is coming! A time when kids & families are looking for free Summer activities to do close to home — and most of us parents are hoping that it’s not all …
Enjoy these creative Dr. Seuss & Cat in the Hat games with your kids and inspire a love of reading! There’s nothing like a game to encourage a child to pick up a book! And some of the best books that lend themselves to being turned into a game are those created by Dr. Seuss …
Movies about science & inventors is the focus of this week’s kids’ movie list! There are a number of wonderful films that will inspire children to tinker and create new things — check out these 20 kids movies that inspired science and engineering activities! My daughter’s current idea is to build a robot that will …
Make these adorable Halloween Sensory Bottles that glitter & glow! I want to introduce you to our newest craft project — we call them Frank, Pete & Mike 🙂 What else would you call a monster, pumpkin and mummy, right? We loved making the Halloween Salt-dough Glitter Garland last year so I thought we’d try …
Take a peek at these awesome Chemistry Experiments for Kids and Teens to do at Home! Have your kids ever mixed baking soda & vinegar to blow up a balloon or make a volcano explode?!! Maybe they’re fascinated by glow-in-the-dark experiments and LOVE the idea of using test tubes “like a real scientist”. Raising a …
Enjoy these fun and easy science experiments that kids can do at home using items you have around the house! When you’re home with kids for an extended period, it’s time to get creative! One thing that really engages kids of all ages are fun science activities (like our How Does a Leaf Breathe? plant …
Halloween will be here soon — yes, it’s still a few weeks away but according to the aisles at the grocery store, we should all be out buying our candy 🙂
It’s also one of those holidays that allows your creativity to shine!
Like the year my son decided to be the 3 Stooges (yep, he wanted to be all 3 of them at once).
Or the year I had to make a tractor costume for the farm themed fall party they had at school. (Really, a tractor – couldn’t have been a cow, horse or scarecrow, right?!)
FUN Indoor Camping activities for kids – great ideas for bad weather days! When I mentioned in our Family Camping Adventures post that “I don’t do tents“, I guess I should have been more specific. I’m not a big tent fan if we’re staying outside, but I love a tent for indoor camping! We loved …